Rencana2 Menarik Di Bawah
The Faculty of Homoeopathy Malaysia
Service to
humanities, Efficient ,
Quality &
OUR AIMS :Towards
Excellence Homeopathic Education
The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia (FAHOM) established in 1979 as a Homeopathic College
with seven students, has evolved into a highly respected College of Complementary Medicine in Malaysia.
FAHOM program is recognized for its natural approach to the traditional study of Classical
Homeopathy according to the tenets of Hahnemann, as well as for its leadership in collaborating with Western medicine in the
rapidly developing field of Complementary Medicine
FAHOM has a strong innovative curriculum based on the teaching of Classical Homeopathy
that honors the studies of homeopathic subjects such as Homeopathic Philosophy, Materia Medica, Homeopathic Pharmacy, Organon
of Medicine, etc.
A comprehensive study of the fundamental Western Medicine complements our traditional
approach, providing a superior foundation in our integrated medicine
Rencana Menarik Bahasa Melayu
1. Homeopathy Berjaya Rawat Mandul
2. Kolej Baru Homeopathy
3. Nik Omar pejuang Homeopati
4. Fakulti Homeopati ke Europah
5. Peluang Buat Ijazah Lanjutan
6. Ubat Mudah Bersalin / Ubat Selusoh
7. Ubat Cergas Minda Homeopati
8. Bantuan Percuma Homeopati
9. Jangan Mudah Percaya Ubat Homeo
10. 23 Kongres Anjuran Malaysia
11. Institusi Dalam Taman
12. Kenapa Ubat Homeopati Di Makan Cara Gigit / Kunyah ?
13. Nama Doktor2 Homeopati Bertauliah
14. Homeopathy Di Iktiraf Oleh USA
15. Konferen Homeopati Se Dunia
16. Malaysia Pusat Homeopati Dunia
Lagi Rencana-Rencana Menarik Dalam BAHASA MELAYU